Easter Bunny Nail Art by Odel Grant-Kelly

Easter Bunny Nail Art

Easter Bunny Nail Art

Always start with a base coat this will protect your nails from staining from any of the deep polish colours used.




You will need a baby pink, white and black nail polish colour for your Easter Bunny and a selection of bright Easter/Spring colours for your other nails.

Step 1- apply a different bright Easter/Spring colour on each of your nails and let dry

Step 2- on your ring finger paint white (2/3 coats) -half way up the ring finger nail to make the head of the Easter Bunny

Step 3- use a large dotting tool and make the Bunny’s ears in white

Step 4- use small dotting tool with the pink polish fill in the Bunny’s ears

Step 5- next use your dotting tool to make the eyes in black- when the black dry’s dot the centre with white- and pink for the nose

Step 6- use small dotting tool with white on each nail to make them look like little Easter eggs

Step 7- Finish with top coat to seal the nails- enjoy:-)

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